Kate's race continues in book two. There is a lot going on here, as Kate and Kiernan use the Chronos Key to jump in and out of different time lines, trying to stop Kate's grandfather Saul and Aunt Prudence from dangerously rewriting history. All of the time jumping takes its toll on Kate, and on her relationships with Trey - her current day boyfriend - who can't remember her from one timeline... And on her confusing feelings for Kiernan - who was her boyfriend in another time... Sound confusing? It is sometimes! But I enjoyed the jumping around in different timelines and figuring out how it was all connecting.
The ending? There wasn't one. It completely leaves you hanging for the third book, which I found quite abrupt (I literally said, "Really??" out loud, and looked to see if pages were missing from the end of the book). But...I'll read the third book to see what happens next!
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